what is becoming restoried?
Becoming Restoried is an online community within which you’re invited to face the complicated and beautiful truths of your life’s stories and the stories of your fellow members—through regular facilitated online community conversations, individual coaching, in-person intensives, and private reflection—so that you can live with more purpose, compassion, and alignment.
told by Michael McRay
In May 2022, two things happened almost simultaneously. The first: I was invited to give a TEDx Nashville talk in August. The second: I joined a business coaching program.
Within a couple of weeks, I’d written the first draft of my TEDx—about how we can dismantle the concept of enemies through proximity, humility, and curiosity—and sent it to the TEDx coach that recruited me. He wrote back and basically said, “It’s fine, but it doesn’t pack a punch. However, those last two paragraphs at the end, about your own story—that part was very compelling. I wonder what an entire talk about that would be like…” What he was referencing was the section of the talk where I said that in some ways, I had become an enemy to myself in my life and have had to use those same steps of proximity, humility, and curiosity to reconcile myself to myself. So off I went to rewrite my talk—how a relentless self-curiosity was helping me heal from trauma.
At this same time, I joined a business coaching program called The Inner Circle, run by a friend of mine named Harris III. In my first one-on-one coaching call, I vented to him that I’ve had a years-long struggle with productivity. “I feel like I’m only achieving 40% of my potential,” I said. (Hello Enneagram 3!) Without missing a beat, Harris replied, “You don’t have a productivity problem, Michael. You have a creative clarity problem.”
I think I said some expletives from the shock of that revelation.
He was right. I had no idea what I was wanting to build with my career. I had a perfectly successful six-figure consulting business in storytelling and conflict resolution, but it wasn’t fulfilling. I had no vision for where I wanted the business to go. I had nothing I was working toward. No real purpose. I told him, “I’m getting to do what I thought would make me happy—storytelling work—and yet I only feel happy about 10% of the time.”
It was then that I told him about my TEDx. I told him about writing it—the vulnerability and honesty it was requiring to share about my trauma and journey of healing—how meaningful it felt. I said, “This is what I really want to talk about. Not corporate storytelling.” And then I said, “There’s some part of me that really thinks this TEDx talk is going to dramatically shift the focus of my work; I just don’t know how yet.”
Harris asked me what work I’ve done that I loved most. I knew the answer right away: a weekend retreat called Becoming Restoried, where I guided a small group of people through deep storywork. “By far my favorite professional venture,” I told him. “The work I’ve always loved the most is when I am able to accompany people into their most painful stories and be there with them in curiosity and compassion.” And then Harris said, “Well, then that’s what you need to build.”
It had never, until that very moment, occurred to me that Becoming Restoried could be anything other than an occasional weekend retreat. And I certainly had not imagined that I could devote my full-time work to it. And yet, within two hours of ending that Zoom call with Harris, I had designed the entire model of the Becoming Restoried community.
It was all just sitting there, simmering beneath the surface, waiting for someone to invite me to believe in myself.
And now I want to give that same gift to all of you.
Founder and Community Leader
Michael is Nashville-based facilitator, mediator, and story-practitioner. He’s the author of multiple books, including his award-winning 2020 publication I Am Not Your Enemy.
Michael’s storywork has taken him the world over, through divided societies like Israel, Palestine, Northern Ireland, South Africa, and Rwanda. A sought-after speaker, he presents frequently on the themes of story, curiosity, and conflict.
Michael is the founding producer and host of the popular storytelling event Tenx9 Nashville. In addition to leading Becoming Restoried, he works as a storytelling and conflict resolution consultant, helping organizations find and tell their most meaningful stories and navigate the conflicts around them.
Relevant certifications and training:
Masters, Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation, Trinity College Dublin at Belfast
[in progress] Integrated Somatic Trauma Therapy, The Embody Lab
[in progress] Narrative Practice, Dulwich Center for Narrative Therapy, Australia, Online
Public Narrative, Harvard Kennedy School, USA, Online
Conflict Coaching, Center for Justice and Peacebuilding, Eastern Mennonite University, USA, Online
Storywork: A Summer School in Narrative Practice, Corrymeela Community, Northern Ireland
Ar scáth a chéile a mhaireas na daoine.
It is in the shelter of each other that the people live.
This Irish saying was introduced to us by our friend Pádraig Ó Tuama and has become our beacon, the guiding light of all we do.
Our vision.
A world where each person lives reconciled to their stories and in peace within themselves.
We commit to drawing closer—to our stories, to each other, to ourselves. We believe we must shorten the distance. We will keep showing up for ourselves and for all the members of the community. We cannot cook the meal if we are not close to the heat.
We admit we don’t know everything. We have something to learn—about others and ourselves. We commit to maintaining groundedness in who we are, who we are not, and the fact that we have been and will again be wrong about some things we knew to be right.
We commit to questions. We love to be inquisitive. We are diggers and archaeologists—excavating the countries of our stories for new understanding and appreciation. We believe that without a sense of wonder and awe, there can be no true healing.
The word respect comes from the Latin words re and spectare, meaning “again” and “to look.” Respecting is looking again. We commit to looking again, at our own stories and the stories of those around us. The books, films, and shows we love we go back to time and time again. Our stories deserve this same respect.
“It all turns on affection,” the great poet and farmer Wendell Berry writes. We commit to the practice of affection, of showing care and concern and gentleness and appreciation. This affection is not only for the parts of ourselves we’ve always loved, but also for the shadow parts that frighten us. They too deserve our affection.
To guide our community members through a robust, invitational process where they reengage the stories of their lives with curiosity so they can cultivate compassion and live with increased purpose and alignment.