Individual coaching
Guiding you from pain toward purpose & from self-doubt toward self-acceptance
Survey your life.
Scrape away the false beliefs.
step into new stories that serve you.
What is Becoming Restoried coaching?
Becoming Restoried is an experiential coaching program where you face the truths of your life’s stories—even, or especially, the stories you wish didn’t happen.
Our program is built on two core beliefs:
You have stories you tell yourself about yourself, and these often are weighted with self-doubt, self-criticism, and perhaps even self-condemnation.
You can change these stories.
In Becoming Restoried, you don’t change the content of your stories, because you can’t. What happened has happened. But you absolutely can change your relationship to those stories. You can change the meaning they hold for you. You can change how you see yourself because of them. You can restory.
How is it unique?
Most coaching or therapy is open-ended and focused on unstructured talking.
Becoming Restoried is a well-honed, evidence-based, guided and structured program for learning to live in peace with yourself.
When you sign up for indvidual coaching here, your program will include the following:
Private Zoom calls with Michael McRay (CEC2, ISEP), Becoming Restoried’s founder
Client-exclusive worksheets that significiantly aid the difficult process of encountering your stories, identities, and goals.
Pre-recorded short videos that introduce content and offer a guided walkthrough of the worksheets so you can move your health forward in between live calls.
12 weeks of high-impact, customized content and processes, followed by the option to continue receiving coaching for as long as you wish.
You second-guess most every decision
You often avoid looking at yourself too long in the mirror
You keep your distance from other people
You feel uncomfortable and sometimes even panicky alone (and yes, these last two points can be true at the same time)
You desperately pursue validation and affirmation, usually in the wrong places, but don’t believe it when you do receive it
You believe other people, usually authority figures, know better for your life than you do
You say harsh things in your own head about yourself
You sit in lots of judgment of others
All your energy and motivation feels depleted
You’ve struggled to care about being healthy
You stay stuck in jobs and relationships that aren't really what you want or need
Yes? Well, there’s good news.
You 100% belong here.
All. Of. This. Can. Change.
It’s the whole reason
Becoming Restoried exists.
There are five basic stories you can be living in at any moment.
The first four start like this:
“I’m not good enough” — The Self-Doubt Story
“I’m the problem” — The Self-Defeating Story
“I’m not worthy” — The Victim Story
“Everything is perfect” — The Avoidance Story
These stories determine how you experience your life. They determine how you think, how you relate to others, how you imagine what’s possible for your future…even how you make daily decisions.

The pathway to peace starts here.
Imagine tapping into a regular sense of calm, connectedness, and internal peace each day.
Imagine feeling a grounded sense of confidence and self-belief.
Imagine being able to endure emotional distress (which is inevitable in life) and still make healthy decisions for yourself because you know the truth about who you are.
Imagine saying goodbye to the constant questioning and second-guessing.
Imagine making intentional choices to feed your body, mind, and soul nourishment.
Imagine finding yourself making courageous decisions, pursuing your passions, and achieving your goals with determination.
Imagine seeing your relationships flourish as you radiate authenticity and attract genuine connections.
Imagine experiencing your well-being soar, as living a self-acceptance story brings inner peace and resilience.
You can have this.
This is the fifth story:
The Integrated Story.
HOw? step into the restoried roadmap.
The process of becoming restoried starts with getting clear on your Now Story, the one you are currently telling yourself, the one that is no longer serving you.
Then you excavate the Wound Story that created it so you can reveal the lies and false beliefs that you’ve taken on.
Then you enter the in-between space of No Story, learning to let go of the old story but not yet sure what the new one is. And it’s here in this dark forest that you rediscover the truth of who you are and the story you’re living.
From here, you begin to see the New Story unfold as you reconnect to the fullness of your humanity and pioneer new pathways of connection with yourself, your people, and your world.
Every story begins with someone in some place at some time beginning some journey.
This New story of your life begins with you here now
on the journey to being at peace with yourself.
And you don’t have to do it alone.
structure & Content
Live on Zoom + custom worksheets + short instructional asynchronous videos
12 sessions of guided content
Option to continue on after finishing 12 sessions
You will look at…
your life through the lens of two extraordinary folktales: The Handless Maiden and The Lindworm
Wound Story beliefs vs. New Story beliefs
your identity and values as the protagonist of your life’s stories
the origin story of your sense of purpose
a vision for your future story
a flyover view of your life’s stories from birth to the present
the layers of meaning connected to a specific wound story
your life through the lens of mythic structure
forming new pathways of connection to yourself and others
how to move forward with meaning
Stretch: 6 months
12 weeks of content and 12 live sessions every two weeks - 24 weeks total
6 months total (2 sessions per month)
Choose between 45-minute or 60-minute Zoom calls:
45-min = $297/month for 6 months
60-min = $347/month for 6 months
Steady: 3 months
12 weeks of content and 12 live sessions every week - 12 weeks total
3 months total (4 sessions per month)
Choose between 45-minute or 60-minute Zoom calls:
45-min = $597/month for 3 months
60-min = $697/month for 3 months
Sprinting: 6 weeks
12 weeks of content and 12 live sessions twice per week - 6 weeks total
2 sessions per week
Choose between 45-minute or 60-minute Zoom calls:
45-min = $897/month for 2 months
60-min = $997/month for 2 months.
Let us know You’re interested.
Let’s talk.
Meet Michael MCray.
Michael McRay is an expert facilitator and certified experiential coach. He’s the author of multiple books, including the award-winning I Am Not Your Enemy. His writing has received praise from internationally acclaimed authors, like Ishmael Beah, Pádraig Ó Tuama, Raja Shehadeh, and National Book Award winner Colum McCann.
Michael’s story and facilitation experience and expertise are sought after by all types of organizations—from NASA to VMware and Cigna to Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library.
Michael holds a Master’s in Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation, as well as training certifications in Public Narrative, Conflict Coaching, and Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy.
His list of credentials is long. And yet, beyond all these lines on a resumé, Michael’s greatest credential is his own human experience of turning his pain into purpose. Out of a story of self-loathing, self-harm, and attempted suicide, Michael has spent a decade healing, digging deeply into what’s buried in his own past. This journey took a new turn when his 7-year marriage ended. He now navigates a healthy co-parenting relationship with his former spouse as they raise their young child in two loving homes.
Don’t miss this opportunity to work with Michael on the process of restorying the stories that no longer serve you.
speaker, storyteller, and bestselling author of The Wonder Switch.
“I get the privilege of curating one of the world’s premier gatherings for storytellers. After 6 years of events and 100+ speakers, Michael remains one of our top-rated and most-loved speakers. That’s why we have continued to partner with him not only as a speaker, but a go-to coach for our community.
He’s quite simply one of the best there is.”
It’s built-in actually. You’re overall fee will be split evenly over the months you’re a client.
What happens if our calendars don’t align one week?
When you join, you’ll be able to schedule all your calls at once to ensure you secure a place on Michael’s calendar. If there’s a conflict one week, we will simply look for another availability, even if extends the length of the program. Don’t worry, though—you won’t be charged more!
Yes. As we engage in this sensitive work together, it is crucial to see and connect with each other fully. Therefore, your camera should be turned on. Of course, there may be moments where you have to step away briefly, and that is okay.
Yes. Each session will have follow-up videos and worksheets to take you into the work. The live calls will focus on coaching and processing the content you’ve worked through.