Transformative Life Story Coaching | Online Cohorts & Individual Options | Retreats & Intensives | Self-excavation
The life coaching you’ve always needed but didn’t know existed.
Reconcile to your stories.

You have a fire inside you.
Something feels off, disconnected, unreconciled.
For too long, you’ve felt alone and misunderstood. You feel stuck in self-doubt, disbelief, and a lack of clarity. You can’t see the way forward.
At your lowest, you worry you aren’t “fixable.” You fear your stories are too broken. Too much has happened to you. You’ve tried so many things to resolve the conflicts inside, and now you’re worried that what’s hurting may not go away.
What if nothing works?

Every day, you long to feel seen and understood. You want to be free of the confusion and doubt hanging over you. You want to believe that something good can come from all your pain. You want to believe that it gets better, that more is possible. You want purpose.
You want to be reconciled to yourself. You want to stand grounded in your truth.
You want to live at peace.
You are in the right place.
All this is possible here.
find out when the next 12-week cohort launches!
The sweet spot for personal transformation.

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Schedule a short phone call now to learn more about how Becoming Restoried can transform your relationship with yourself.
It’s all about
Stories are how we make meaning of our lives.
There are five basic stories you can be living at any moment. The first four start like this:
“I’m not good enough” — The Self-Doubt Story
“I’m the problem” — The Self-Defeating Story
“I’m not worthy” — The Victim Story
“Everything is perfect” — The Avoidance Story
These stories determine how you experience your life. They determine how you think, how you relate to others, how you imagine what’s possible for your future…even how you make daily decisions.
The good news is that they are fluid and can even be in constant flux. Usually, you are living out aspects of multiple stories at the same time. And still, at any given moment, one of these stories can dominate your airwaves.

FIND OUT WHAT STORY YOU’RE IN RIGHT NOW with this simple assessment
the task is not to erase these stories.
it’s to integrate them.
Living in The Integrated Story means you’ve taken the other four stories that swirl in your mind and body and you’ve woven them into something that can truly help you.
Why not erase them? Because these stories have helped you survive until now—they’ve served a purpose. But now it might be time to release their vice grip on you in service of a new story that can lead you into the future you so deeply want.
When you do, you will:
Deepen your understanding of who you are so you can step out of self-doubt and into self-acceptance
Find clarity on the origins of your decision-making patterns and habits so that you can create new healthier ones
Connect your core wounds to your core purpose so you can live with increased passion, meaning, and contentment
See yourself as the protagonist in a unique, unfolding story so that you can feel more confidence in the importance of your life
Release pain and discomfort held in your body and mind so that you can feel more peace
Turn the confusion of a painful past into the power of a clear narrative of purpose

Your paths forward
12-week online cohort
Weekly group calls with a cohort of other passionate humans to re-engage your life stories with curiosity and compassion so that you can live with increased purpose and integration. Get top-rate, facilitated content for growth; join a committed, caring community of support; and receive weekly coaching from an award-winning certified experiential story coach.
Individual coaching
Accelerate your restorying journey with a deep dive, private individual coaching. Virtual and in-person options available. Excavate your life stories, tend to the fires of conflict in your life, and find clarity on what feels uncertain. Find out exactly what’s stuck in your life and take a powerful step toward freedom. A true game-changer for living an integrated story.
watch the tedx that launched us.
What if relentless self-curiosity could help you heal from trauma? That’s what is happening for Michael McRay, the founder of Becoming Restoried. Hear his story from the 2022 TEDx Nashville stage.
You can reconcile to your story.
You can find clarity.
You can live at peace with yourself.